Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Two Women in One Day

At long last, a prelude to our next encounter.....

Going into this whole Craig's List conquest, I had a few primary goals. The first, of course, was to have as many fun, no strings attached encounters as possible and create some nice memories. After that, my other biggest goal was to fulfill as many of my own personal sexual fantasies as possible. I think every guy has their own little bucket list of sexual fantasies that they want to indulge in while they can, and I am certainly no different. Most of these fantasies are things that most guys share.....threesomes, semi-dangerous public sex, etc. All good stuff.

I share these fantasies, as well as several others. One of these others is the idea of having sex with two different women on the same day.

Difficult to achieve? Definitely. Particularly when you are single. Probably the most realistic way for people to achieve this is when you are in the course of a relationship/marriage, and then have another encounter on the side on the same day you have sex with your significant other. So it really only entails seeking out one other person. The challenge when you're single is finding TWO separate people. And not just fining two separate people, but two people who are willing to fuck you on the same day! Not easy, my friends. It takes careful planning, both as far as scheduling the encounters, and proactively ensuring that you are 'ready' for both encounters (the fantasy could fast become a nightmare if you are not recovered enough for encounter #2).

So, why do I speak of this as if I have some first-hand knowledge of the situation? Well, do you really need to ask? Details to come.......

When Life Interferes....

So, clearly I lied in my last post. Not intentionally, of course. I truly expected to get right back in the groove of cranking out two posts per week. But alas, life interferes again. Nothing terrible or traumatic (or exciting, unfortunately), just long work hours, physical and mental exhaustion, and the lack of time and mental energy to write. It's interesting, being a relatively new blogger, I always figured that no matter what else was going on in life, there would always be the time and motivation to write. It really seemed like such a low-maintenance hobby. But I underestimated how the desire to write (or at least to write solid, non-half-assed posts) can definitely be diminished by mental fatigue from other aspects of life. Well, lesson learned!

I'd like to promise that there will be no more long posting droughts like this again, but obviously it would be silly to make such promises. For now, I'll just say that I will try my best! Thing are slowing down now, so hopefully there should at least be some improvement in the short term.

Thanks for your patience......next post is coming shortly (I promise!)