Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tangent #8: Sounds of the Female Orgasm

After being with a fairly decent number of women in my life, one thing that has always fascinated me is the amount of different styles of orgasm that I have encountered with each one. It's really very interesting. Not that I've been with any men, but I've seen enough porn to know that all men basically cum the same. Grunt, grunt, groan, ejaculate. The end. But with ladies, there seem to be so many different varieties. Here are some of the styles I have seen most often:

1. "Quiet cummer"......this is the woman who is not very vocal when she cums. It can be merely a sigh, or a short little groan. You think you're just getting her started, and she's done already!

2. "Non-stop cummer"....this is the opposite type of woman. She is extremely vocal, moaning loudly throughout the entire experience. Sometimes you can't even tell when she's actually having the orgasm, or just moaning loudly in anticipation.

3. "The squealer".....the name pretty much says it all. Instead of moaning, this woman squeals in pleasure. Kind of a hot change of pace, if you ask me.

4. "The screamer".....another fairly self-explanatory one. When the orgasm finally hits, this lady is taking her moaning up to a decibel you can't even imagine! People down the block will know that you are going a nice job satisfying her.

5. "The beggar".......when this woman speaks during sex, it is typically to plead with you in some way. "Please...don't stop". "Harder.....faster.....". "I'm so close, please keep going". "Oh God....please...".  These are the things you hear leading into her orgasm. Very arousing.

6. "Painful cummer".....this is the woman that actually looks like she is in physical pain when she's cumming. I was with one such woman where I actually became concerned that I was hurting her as she was having an orgasm, but she just got mad at me for slowing down.

7. "The faker".....unfortunately, we all know this woman. Instead of clearly communicating what she wants to you and taking time to get there, she 'protects your ego' and expedites things by becoming overly dramatic.

8. "Crying cummer"....yep, this is the woman who cries during/after an orgasm. I've never been that overcome with emotion while cumming, but it must be pretty cool to have such a combination of physical and emotional pleasure.

For any ladies reading, I am curious which category you would fit into??


  1. #5 with a touch of #4, but would like to be #2

  2. I dated a girl who was a combination of an #8 and #1 --it was sort of bizarre. She'd go completely quiet, and if there were tears --you know it was a success.

  3. For me it depends on the type of sex I am having. Most often #2, 4, and 5....sometimes all in the same round of play! This is all coming from my point of view...of course. ;)

  4. I am a combination of #2, #5 and then top it off with #4 ;)

  5. I'm breathy, beggy, murmury, I guess. I tremble towards the end and after.

    ::blink blink::

    Why did I start thinking about this?!
